Channel: Cinema Beyond Entertainment
Category: Entertainment
Tags: marvel cinematic universedceuchristopher nolanbatfleckbatman v supermansuperherocomic bookbatmandc comicsthe jokermarvelavengersheath ledgerbatman vs supermancaptain americacivil warstar warsthe force awakenswonder womanmcu
Description: Support me on Patreon: Batman: The Dark Knight For educational purpose only. As we prepare for the ridiculous onslaught of superhero films, let's take a look back at the granddaddy of all superhero films & try to understand what made it so great. Script consultant: Girish Dalvi, Alka Hingorani & Avinash J. Iyer Movie Details: Name: The Dark Knight (2008) Director: Christopher Nolan Written By: Jonathan & Christopher Nolan Cinematography: Wally Pfister Editor: Lee Smith Martin Scorsese interview: B&W superhero posters by: Marko Manev Visit his facebook page: Follow me here: Facebook: Twitter: Help us caption and translate this video! Thank You! and Subscribe for more videos.